Kompaktný elektrobicykel Fafrees F20 Light je predurčený na každodenné používanie pre celú rodinu a je vyrobený do mesta, na cesty a na ľahkú prepravu. Skladací, prenosný, skladný, pohodlný a neustále pripravený na cestu pred vami. S 20-palcovými pneumatikami, 250 W nábojovým motorom, 14,5 Ah obrovskou batériou, 7-rýchlostným radením Shimano a nastaviteľnými riadidlami a sedadlom je tento prechodový elektrobicykel dokonalým príkladom toho, ako prispôsobivosť a húževnatosť môžu koexistovať.

250W motor s ozubeným nábojom

250W bezkomutátorový motor s maximálnym krútiacim momentom 35N.M v kombinácii s inteligentným ovládačom poskytuje maximálnu rýchlosť 15Mph. Špičkový výkon môže dosiahnuť 437 W, ktorý bol navrhnutý tak, aby vám pomohol ísť strmšie pri nižších rýchlostiach. Motor zadného pohonu sa ľahšie ovláda, poskytuje lepšiu trakciu a vyžaduje menej údržby.

Odnímateľná batéria 36 V 14,5 Ah

14,5Ah vysokokapacitná batéria predĺži vašu jazdnú vzdialenosť až na 68 míľ na jedno nabitie s asistovaným režimom. Vezmite si ho domov a nabite ho kedykoľvek budete chcieť vďaka dizajnu zámku. Môžete si vybrať z troch režimov podpory – elektrický, s asistenciou napájania a režim pracovnej sily.

Vodotesný LCD displej

Veľkoplošný vodotesný LCD displej zobrazuje rôzne údaje, ako je rýchlosť, batéria, najazdené kilometre a výstroj. Má režim asistencie pri chôdzi a funkciu tempomatu, ktoré vám pomôžu pri jazde vždy, keď to potrebujete.

Shimano 7-rýchlostné radenie

7-rýchlostná prehadzovačka a prehadzovačka Shimano ponúkajú presné a plynulé radenie v celom rozsahu, čím zaisťujú, že vaše hnacie ústrojenstvo zostáva v priebehu času citlivé.

Mechanické kotúčové brzdy

Bicykle na dochádzanie musia mať serióznu brzdnú silu. To je dôvod, prečo sme tento bicykel vybavili vypínacími brzdovými páčkami spárovanými s veľkými rotormi. Budete mať kontrolu a istotu, že zastavíte presne vtedy, keď to potrebujete.

Prechodový skladací rám

Zloží sa za menej ako 30 sekúnd. S prechodovým rámom môžete pohodlne šliapať a stáť nad rámom. Kompaktná konštrukcia z odľahčených komponentov umožňuje jednoduché zhutnenie e-biku do dopravného prostriedku a zaberie v ňom málo miesta. Nastaviteľná stúpacia tyč vám umožňuje prispôsobiť si postavu pomocou riadidiel a sedlových trubiek, ktoré sa pohybujú dovnútra a von pre pohodlie.

Bezpečnosť jazdy v noci

LED svetlomet a zadné brzdové svetlo v súlade so StVZO zaisťujú bezpečnosť nočnej jazdy.

Empatický dizajn

20-palcové kolesá sú flexibilné a agilné, vďaka čomu sú pohodlné v rušnej mestskej premávke. Pevný zadný vešiak možno použiť na pripevnenie rôznych tašiek a košíkov na zadné bicykle. Svetlo F20 je vybavené prednými a zadnými blatníkmi a podporuje čisto elektrický režim, vďaka čomu je ideálne na akýkoľvek výlet.


Nastaviteľná sedacia trubka je ideálna pre tínedžerov a dospelých s výškou 155 – 195 cm s maximálnym zaťažením 264 libier

Customer Reviews

Based on 28 reviews
Michael Moloney
Fafrees e bike

Looks nice and really comfortable to ride nice and smooth on the road. Very easy to use with great speed and very good range on the battery.im really happy with my bike.

Desmond Rainey
New and Old Bike

I have been in communication with Fafrees. I am totally annoyed that the sales team told me I could use the old battery still working from my previous bike that was involved in an accident on my new bike. THAT IS TOTALLY MISLEADING.

Hi there,

Thank you for bringing this to our attention. We apologize for any confusion or inconvenience caused but We are not fafrees but pogo cycles


Graham O'Donnell
An unpleasant experience

Only Abby responded to me in a civil and courteous manner. All other replies were anonymous, perfunctory and hostile. Not pleasant.

Dear valued customer,

Thank you for sharing your experience with us. We apologize for any unpleasant interactions you may have had with our team. We take customer service very seriously and strive to provide a positive and helpful experience for all of our customers. We will take your feedback into consideration and work towards improving our customer service. Thank you for choosing FAFREES F20 City - Electric Folding Bike.

The FAFREES team


No mudguards

Worked good but occurred error

I used 2 months well after that it showed error, so E version is not working now. I wrote pogo cycles hope they will send good answers

Yes sir team will resolve this

🚚 Shipping - Free shipping on all orders to anywhere in Ireland and Europe. 7-15 business days delivery time.
💝 Return & Refund Guarantee - 30 Days Hassle Free Returns & 12 Months Warranty. Please refer to t&C .
📞 Customer Support - Please email us at support@pogocycles.com. Our support team will reply within 8 hours.

*Accesories shown in the pictures may be optional or available to buy seperately
*All bikes are water resistant. For extra protection, do cover your screens with plastic sheet to avoid water ingress when driving in rain

After brexit most items come with 2 pin plug as UK stock can't be shipped to Ireland anymore . We try to send adapter but sometimes it doesn't come. We will reimburse upto 5 euros for the same.

*Product specifications like battery are directly mentioned by manufacturers and they are under optimum test conditions, they may vary with external factors like weight ,speed, wind and road conditions

Law:- Its completely legal to buy, sell and own an e-scooter in Ireland. At the moment, privately-owned electric scooters are illegal to use on the public highway in Ireland & the UK. However they can be ridden on private land.Check local country laws before purchase

Customer Reviews

Based on 28 reviews
Michael Moloney
Fafrees e bike

Looks nice and really comfortable to ride nice and smooth on the road. Very easy to use with great speed and very good range on the battery.im really happy with my bike.

Desmond Rainey
New and Old Bike

I have been in communication with Fafrees. I am totally annoyed that the sales team told me I could use the old battery still working from my previous bike that was involved in an accident on my new bike. THAT IS TOTALLY MISLEADING.

Hi there,

Thank you for bringing this to our attention. We apologize for any confusion or inconvenience caused but We are not fafrees but pogo cycles


Graham O'Donnell
An unpleasant experience

Only Abby responded to me in a civil and courteous manner. All other replies were anonymous, perfunctory and hostile. Not pleasant.

Dear valued customer,

Thank you for sharing your experience with us. We apologize for any unpleasant interactions you may have had with our team. We take customer service very seriously and strive to provide a positive and helpful experience for all of our customers. We will take your feedback into consideration and work towards improving our customer service. Thank you for choosing FAFREES F20 City - Electric Folding Bike.

The FAFREES team


No mudguards

Worked good but occurred error

I used 2 months well after that it showed error, so E version is not working now. I wrote pogo cycles hope they will send good answers

Yes sir team will resolve this

Customer Reviews

Based on 28 reviews
Michael Moloney
Fafrees e bike

Looks nice and really comfortable to ride nice and smooth on the road. Very easy to use with great speed and very good range on the battery.im really happy with my bike.

Desmond Rainey
New and Old Bike

I have been in communication with Fafrees. I am totally annoyed that the sales team told me I could use the old battery still working from my previous bike that was involved in an accident on my new bike. THAT IS TOTALLY MISLEADING.

Hi there,

Thank you for bringing this to our attention. We apologize for any confusion or inconvenience caused but We are not fafrees but pogo cycles


Graham O'Donnell
An unpleasant experience

Only Abby responded to me in a civil and courteous manner. All other replies were anonymous, perfunctory and hostile. Not pleasant.

Dear valued customer,

Thank you for sharing your experience with us. We apologize for any unpleasant interactions you may have had with our team. We take customer service very seriously and strive to provide a positive and helpful experience for all of our customers. We will take your feedback into consideration and work towards improving our customer service. Thank you for choosing FAFREES F20 City - Electric Folding Bike.

The FAFREES team


No mudguards

Worked good but occurred error

I used 2 months well after that it showed error, so E version is not working now. I wrote pogo cycles hope they will send good answers

Yes sir team will resolve this

Customer Reviews

Based on 28 reviews
Michael Moloney
Fafrees e bike

Looks nice and really comfortable to ride nice and smooth on the road. Very easy to use with great speed and very good range on the battery.im really happy with my bike.

Desmond Rainey
New and Old Bike

I have been in communication with Fafrees. I am totally annoyed that the sales team told me I could use the old battery still working from my previous bike that was involved in an accident on my new bike. THAT IS TOTALLY MISLEADING.

Hi there,

Thank you for bringing this to our attention. We apologize for any confusion or inconvenience caused but We are not fafrees but pogo cycles


Graham O'Donnell
An unpleasant experience

Only Abby responded to me in a civil and courteous manner. All other replies were anonymous, perfunctory and hostile. Not pleasant.

Dear valued customer,

Thank you for sharing your experience with us. We apologize for any unpleasant interactions you may have had with our team. We take customer service very seriously and strive to provide a positive and helpful experience for all of our customers. We will take your feedback into consideration and work towards improving our customer service. Thank you for choosing FAFREES F20 City - Electric Folding Bike.

The FAFREES team


No mudguards

Worked good but occurred error

I used 2 months well after that it showed error, so E version is not working now. I wrote pogo cycles hope they will send good answers

Yes sir team will resolve this

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